“Is it time for the English to get behind Gareth …

So we are still in Euro 2024 and to be honest I have heard very little other than negativity about the England Side, and pretty…

Newcastle Hoppings ,2024 , you are going to love it :)

It seems to have rained all year , so obviously , when the Hoppings come to Newcastle , this time instead of the usual Hoppings…

Peter Cronin says ” ZUMBA® is fun , fun ,fun. This is …

I think that you should always be looking to make the best version of yourself and you have to try new things and push yourself…

Peter Cronin returns to the secret that is the Rising …

Wherever you live there is probably somewhere very close to you that you overlook because it is so near at hand. You probably don’t need…

Bye Bye Bollards , Bollards Bye Bye, “Good Riddance ” says Peter …

Just look back to my ” Never mind the Bollards ” post and you will see a different looking picture. It is almost beyond belief…

Peter Cronin asks questions about the Post Office Scandal

Have you seen the brilliant ” Mr Bates vs the Post Office” ? If you have not done so , you owe it to watch…

Peter Cronin shows you another view of the village of …

Most people in the North of England have heard of the village of Corbridge and “The Angel Inn ” would probably be the first words…